How Cyber Innovative Technologies uses Biteable to excite investors

Person entering a security passcode on a smartphone with a laptop in the background.
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The business

Meet the company shaping the future of cyber risk management

Right now, over 85% of most businesses exist in digital form. Company websites, databases, social content, and so many other pieces of the modern business puzzle are ones and zeros floating around in cyberspace.

Unfortunately, these digital assets are just as vulnerable to attacks as the more tangible, physical assets of a business, and that means they need to be protected. After all, the future of every business depends on it.

That’s where Cyber Innovative Technologies comes in. The startup’s revelatory solution is based on years of research with Fortune 1000 and cyber insurance companies, and is specifically designed to increase the cyber-resiliency of its users.

But while the Cyber Innovative Technologies solution is absolutely vital, it’s also not easily understood. How do you convince someone of the viability of your service when they’re not even aware of the problem it solves? That’s the question Cyber Innovation Technologies needed to answer and they turned to Biteable for the answer.

The goal

Educate potential investors

Cyber Innovative Technologies (CIT) built a stellar product, but as a startup with a limited customer base, the company needs to secure outside funding to help keep the lights on. That means educating potential investors about the need for cyber-security and the superiority of the CIT product. Not an easy thing to do when the finer details of tech whiz right over most people’s heads.

But Julie Rothwell, CIT’s Senior Vice President of marketing, had an idea:

“Use video marketing to educate potential investors and convince them her company’s solution was a worthwhile investment.”

Video is all the rage these days, so Julie thought it would be the perfect medium for her goals. Originally she hired a professional videographer and while his work was exceptional, the price to work with him was also exceptionally high. Interested in a more budget-friendly solution, Julie hit the information superhighway and found her way to Biteable. She decided to give it a try and hasn’t looked back.

The solution

Video creation simplified

Julie started using Biteable and was immediately impressed by the intuitive interface and seemingly endless options the tool gave her to create educational videos. She said: “My first impression, and the reason I still enjoy using Biteable, is that it’s just fun to use. I really love the color combinations, the audio options, and the different templates that are included.”

Speaking of templates, Julie has a favorite style that suits her needs: Infographic.

She says she likes this style best because “It’s simple and business-oriented, which means it has the icons we need in our videos. I can also combine it with other styles, which gives me more of a variety to choose from.”

The result

More investment with little cost

Julie’s found that the Biteable videos she’s created have been a huge help in educating potential investors on what her company’s product does and why it’s better than the other solutions on the market. Without these visual aids, it would be a lot more difficult for CIT to secure the funding it needs to grow.

Biteable helps Julie save a boatload of cash for her organization too. Just one professionally-made video would have cost CIT five times the price of an annual membership to Biteable, which includes unlimited videos, access to 800,000+ stock footage clips, and no watermark.

For any company, an 80% reduction in video creation costs is a big deal – especially when the end product is comparable (if not better) than the results achieved by a professional video creation team.

“Definitely recommended for small businesses, but also for students or personal use too.”

Video marketing tips

Julie’s tips for success

Interested in creating educational videos for your business? Follow these three tips:

  • A good video script always wins. Julie understands the power of a good video script. All the fancy visuals in the world won’t help your business if your message isn’t clear. That’s why Julie recommends, “Just in general, draft the text of your videos beforehand and test it on anyone and everyone — your mom, a teenager, your boss — to make sure it flows. It makes the video creation process so much easier.”

  • Take time to experiment. If you’re just starting out, take time to experiment with different video ideas — especially if you’re using Biteable. “Biteable can do A LOT of things. Look over all of its features before you make a video. Then save your favorites so you don’t forget where you found them.”

  • Don’t forget to add music! One of Julie’s favorite video marketing tips is to take full advantage of any and all audio options at your disposal. In her own words, “It’s just like in a movie, the audio makes all the difference.” Fortunately, the Biteable library is full of royalty-free music. If you can’t find the exact tune you’re looking for, you can upload songs from your own collection as well.

Create videos like Cyber Innovative Technologies

Want to make videos like Julie? Easy. Just check out some of our infographic videos below to get started. You’re welcome!

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