Trusted by 9+ million people and over 10,000 companies
Smarter editing for easier videos
Creating a Biteable video is as easy as writing an email. Intelligent tools and features let you build perfect, professional video in minutes.

Type your message to life
Biteable’s Script mode makes video creation as simple as typing out your message. No confusing timelines or tools — build your video from pre-built Branded Scenes, type in your text, then press play on your finished product.
No editing experience required
Anyone can create videos with Biteable — no previous experience required. Auto-branding and pre-built scenes make it simple to customize your video. Choose from hundreds of unique animations, or browse through the stock library for thousands of videos and images.

Your perfect soundtrack
Make your message sing with a library of music tracks to choose from — we’ve got the perfect soundtrack for every type of video. Want your video to really pack a punch? Add a voice-over for an extra accessible, info-packed video.

“Biteable makes it look like we have a motion graphic designer on our team, helping us with our videos.”
- Tara Aiken, Regis Corporation