Generate closed captions for accessible videos

Trusted by 9+ million people and over 10,000 companies

Make your message reach further with closed captions

Share messages made for everyone with built-in closed captions. Accessible, shareable, and editable.

Create captions in one click

Generate captions in a snap. Every video, every language.

Fix fumbles and mumbles

Overcome misheard lines and mumbled mishaps with our easy-to-use caption editor.

Accessibility compliant

Easily create videos that comply with accessibility guidelines. Closed captions, text-to-speech, and more.

How to add captions to your video

Create a project in Biteable

Build your video from scratch or start with a template.

Include a voice-over or recording

Or type a voice-over with our text-to-speech voices.

Publish your video

Click the Publish button to export your video.

Generate closed captions

Click the "Create captions" button to auto-generate captions. Easily edit captions as needed.

Frequently asked questions

Create accessible, shareable videos with Biteable's caption tools