Going viral: How Greater Minds got millions of video views with Biteable

Woman relaxing on a couch with a laptop nearby.
The small business

The Greater Minds story

Greater Minds is a media publishing company based in Essex, UK. They currently have three personal development brands — Personal GrowthThe Law of Attraction, and eHypnosis — and publish digital information products under each moniker. Since 2003, the company has been able to acquire customers from every country in the world, inspiring positive change in millions of people. How’d they do it?

The goal

The “going to give” mentality

According to Zina Magomet, “the not-so-secret ‘secret sauce’ to our success has always been based on the simple premise of providing good value to our fans.”

This premise has resulted in what Greater Minds call the “going to give” mentality, which simply means that every piece of content the GM team produces is approached with a giving attitude rather than a receiving one. This mentality ensures each of their videos produces, “a tidal wave of more likes, shares, comments and, of course, new fans,” Zina says.

The solution

Quickly crafting valuable videos

Before Biteable, Zina and her team made videos using Windows Movie Maker, but this proved to be a time-consuming process. “Finding good background footage, audio tracks, adding text, and editing all the layers is a huge inconvenience in the process.”

So instead, Greater Minds turned to Biteable. Biteable was the first online video-making tool the team tried and they haven’t looked back since.

“With Biteable, it’s much easier. It takes us around 20 minutes to create the video after defining the script. We like the choices available for picking backgrounds, the layout is intuitive, and no special training is needed.”

Now, the company’s flagship brand, The Law of Attraction, has over 7 million Facebook followers, in large part because of the amazing videos the Greater Minds team has been able to craft with Biteable.

The result

Complete virality!

The results of the Greater Minds/Biteable combo speak for themselves. To date, the self-improvement company has earned millions of video views on Facebook. Two of their videos, in particular, have done amazingly well — both published under The Law of Attraction moniker.

11 Things to Remember When Going Through Tough Times (45 million views on Facebook)

The first video (above) currently has 45 million views, 1 million shares, 230,000 total reactions, and 14,000 comments. But it gets even better.

10 Things to Remember When You’re Feeling Stuck In Life (60 million views on Facebook)

The second video (above) performed even more impressively, garnering a total of 60 million views, just under 1.3 million shares, 287,000 reactions, and 33,000 comments. Not bad!

But it’s not just about millions of views. It’s what all those views have done for the Greater Minds business. After launching its Biteable videos, the company has also experienced a big boost in sales. Zina says:

“We have broken all our website traffic records and product sales have increased by 110% over the past 30 days.”

Video marketing tips

The Greater Minds formula for viral videos

Want to succeed with video like Greater Minds? Follow these three tips.

  • Adopt the “going to give” mentality: Video marketing success rests on one core concept: providing amazing value. Greater Minds does this by always considering their fans and what they want to see.
  • It all starts with a great idea: According to Zina, “If you want a video to go viral, it should be something everyone can relate to. Something sweet and upbeat.” Brainstorm before crafting a video. Find that one amazing and relatable idea, and then go crazy with it.
  • Get the details right: Zina says “there are several other factors to keep in mind when creating videos. The correct format and video length, a good thumbnail, a good title, correct tags, etc.” These may seem like boring, irrelevant details, but they make a big difference. Take the time to get them right.

Make a video like Greater Minds

What your audience like to receive from you? Whether it’s an ad or share-able content, get started the easy way with one of our most popular video templates.

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