How Real Estate Australia boosted awareness for their company into triple digits

Vector illustration of a stylized blue house with a play button signpost on a purple background with clouds.
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The business

Real Estate Australia: A premier agency in Canberra

Real Estate Australia has been helping homeowners sell and manage properties across the ACT since 2001. They’re known as one of Canberra’s most innovative real estate agencies and pride themselves on going above and beyond for their clients. Though their team is small, they are mighty and have received numerous awards in their field.

Awards don’t automatically bring clients through the door, however, so Michael Tolhurst, head of Business Development at Real Estate Australia, turned to Biteable for help.

“[Biteable] Made a big difference to our marketing in how we attract new clients who want to sell their house.”

The goal

Boosting awareness

Real Estate Australia was searching for new, innovative ways to drive awareness and get more leads for their property listings. They decided that Facebook ads were working for many other businesses in a wide variety of industries, so why not their business too?

Michael put together a few initial advertisements using static imagery, and the results were less than impressive. Michael knew he needed to create something more engaging. But without any video editing skills, he figured he was in for an uphill climb.

The solution

Engaging videos

Michael stumbled across Biteable through a random Google search at the end of 2018. He immediately loved the simplicity of the tool. Even though his graphic design expertise is limited, he was immediately able to craft professional-looking videos for the Real Estate Australia Facebook page. In his own words:

“I’m absolutely loving it. It’s super easy to create your videos. I don’t have any video editing experience short of a little bit of graphic design knowledge, but being able to use the platform to quickly create these videos is really, really helpful.”

The result

More traffic, more engagement, less cost

Making sure a tool is easy to use is important. But if the tool doesn’t help produce better results, does it really matter? Fortunately for Michael and his team, the results they get from their Biteable videos are spectacular.

After just a few months of making Biteable videos, Real Estate Australia has seen a 160% increase in their website traffic without needing to raise their marketing budget.

The company’s Facebook reach has been even more impressive. Their impressions on the network have risen an astounding 340%, while their advertising costs have dropped by 60%. More impressions for less money? Yes, please!

Most importantly, Biteable has helped Real Estate Australia where it matters most: engagement. Their Biteable videos aren’t just driving traffic, they’re helping the company receive more inquiries, boost event attendance, and increase email subscribers.

All in all, the Real Estate Australia team has seen a 260% leap in engagement metrics since using Biteable videos to market their agency.

Video marketing tips

Drive more traffic like Real Estate Australia

Follow these quick tips to boost your traffic like Real Estate Australia:

  • Video marketing works in every industry. If you can craft short, engaging videos, you can improve your business — no matter what field your company is in. Biteable will help you make professional-grade videos without the need for an in-house production team.

  • Facebook is the perfect platform for your videos. The targeting features are amazing and the potential reach (2 billion daily users and counting) is huge. Since the network plans to continue rewarding video content by giving them precedence in news feeds, we recommend you invest in Facebook video.

Some of Biteable's real estate templates

play button
play button
play button
play button

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