Convert video to GIF for free

Convert your video to GIF with this free online video to GIF converter from Biteable

Frame Rate

The higher the frame rate, the more detailed your GIF will be.


Choose the ratio that suits you best


Choose the part of your video to convert into a GIF.

Not just the best way to convert your video to GIF

You’ve converted your video to GIF, now jump into these other useful Biteable tools for more video-making adventures.

A woman reading a book at a desk with a small dog lying on the floor beside her, creating content for Biteable video maker.

Crop video​​

Crop your video to the right shape for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.

Three different angles of a coffee cup on a saucer, each with a heart-shaped foam design, portrayed in a biteable video maker style, on a wooden table.

Image resizer

Resize your images for social media or to custom dimensions.

A smiling man waving hello, sitting casually on a sofa, with a Biteable video maker interface in the foreground.

Extract audio from video

Extract the audio from any video file with one click.

A group of five colleagues celebrating in an office, throwing papers in the air, with a video to gif logo and a video play icon overlay.

Convert GIF to video​

Convert your GIF to a MP4 video in one click with our GIF to video converter.

Create a video with Biteable​