23 of the best HR blogs for upping your human resources game

As a human resources pro, you strive to stay on top of your game. You seek out new learning tools, network with colleagues about best practices, and do your best to keep up on the ever-changing HR landscape. Luckily, this last count is easier than ever. There are a ton of amazing HR blogs out there to help you stay up-to-date on the most important trends in the field.
Man working on Biteable video maker in office environment after hours.

At Biteable, it’s our job to make things easier in the workplace. So creating a list of the most informative human resources blogs was a must. Written by some of the best minds in HR, these blogs are a must-have in any pro’s toolkit.

Choosing the right blogs for your toolkit

With so many great HR blogs out there, it’s hard to know where to start. (So many blogs, so little time!) To help you choose which to follow, we organized our list by subject category.

As a starting point, we suggest choosing one blog that covers all things human resources and one subject-specific HR blog based either on your specific role or on a skill set you want to develop more fully.

Also, make sure to check out at least one “HR blog written from the trenches.” The seasoned pros behind the blogs in this category are elbows deep in the challenges facing the modern workplace. Especially if you are an HR team of one, this is invaluable. Reading these HR blogs is like having coffee with an especially knowledgeable colleague.

And so, without further ado, here are our picks for the best HR blogs to up your human resources game.


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The best blogs for all things human resources

From recruiting, to benefits, to company culture — these human resources blogs cover it all.

The justworks company logo on a white background.

Who writes it: The human resources pros at Justworks, a platform that offers software solutions and expert consultations for payroll, benefits, HR, and compliance.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: The folks at Justworks offer 24/7 support to small and mid-sized businesses struggling with real-world HR issues. Suffice it to say, they’ve probably seen it all. And they write about it all in their blog.

HR topics covered on the site range from navigating employee health benefits to reducing workplace stress, and everything in between. Plus, this blog includes HR videos, which we obviously think is awesome.

Must read: Discussing Mental Health: Best Practices for Managers and Employers

Must watch: 7 Team Bonding Ideas on a Budget

Built in Biteable video maker company logo with a blue and black color scheme and a light blue accent.

Who writes it: The tech news aficionados at Built In.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: While not technically an HR blog, Built In offers a trove of resources for the tech and startup space, which has some pretty unique workplace challenges. HR pros in this sector will benefit from Built In’s articles on company culture, career development, diversity and inclusion, employee engagement, and more.

Must read: How to Write a Job Descriptions: Data Driven Results

Also check out: Built In’s extensive tips for remote work.

Bamboohr company logo in green lettering.

Who writes it: The people behind bambooHR, an award-winning HR software platform for small and medium businesses.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: bambooHR bills itself as “HR software with heart” and it shows in their content. Their focus on “people, not processes” is evident in article topics like empathy in leadership and humanity as the heart of business health.

There are plenty of articles that dive into nitty gritty subjects, too, which is why we listed this blog in the “all things HR” category. But if you want articles written by folks who truly embrace a people-first mentality, this is a great choice.

Must read: The entire Voices in Leadership series.

Also check out: bambooHR has an extensive library of on-demand webinars for all things HR.

Logo of zenefits on a white background with a geometric design.

Who writes it: This HR blog is brought to you by the folks at Zenefits, a software platform for all things HR, payroll, and benefits.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: Spend a few minutes scanning the Zenefits blog, and you’ll notice quite a few references to “the new world of work.” This human resources blog tackles timely — and sometimes touchy — subjects head on, including gender equality in the c-suite and actionable steps to take toward racial equality in the workplace.

Must read: Why respect shouldn’t be a four-letter word at your office

Also check out: Zenefits’ POPS podcast about all things people ops.

5. Workology

Logo of "workology" featuring a stylized flask with a red liquid at the bottom and bubbles ascending to the top.

Who writes it: Jessica Miller-Merrell, a workplace change agent focused on human resources and talent acquisition.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: Jessica has spent most of her career consulting with companies on challenging HR issues, so she knows her stuff. Formerly known as The Recruiter’s Lounge, this HR blog used to focus exclusively on talent acquisition, but it has since branched out. The expanded offerings are well worth a read.

Must read: New Manager Training Series: The Feedback Sandwich

Also check out: Workology’s New Manager Training Program, in collaboration with leadership coach Ramona Shaw.

Who writes it: The experts at Namely, an HR software platform offering “everything you need to build a better workplace.”

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: This award-winning blog is a must-read for any human resources professional. The blog covers everything from benefits, to talent, to compliance. We are particularly looking forward to Namely’s new series, Ask HR. They are currently soliciting anonymous questions related to “HR curveballs.”

Must read: 4 Types of People Every Organization Needs

Also check out: Namely’s library of HR ebooks and guides.

Logo of the society for human resource management (shrm) with the tagline "better workplaces better world"™.

Who writes it: The experts behind the Society for Human Resource Management, a membership organization offering tools, resources, networking, and certifications for HR pros.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: Brought to you by the folks behind HR magazine, this human resources blog reads like a lively roundtable discussion with some of the best minds in the field. Each post is written by an SHRM member, many of whom are also SHRM certified, and all of whom have loads of experience to share.

The benefit of having an HR blog populated entirely by guest posts is that SHRM delivers content from a wide variety of perspectives, giving readers the chance to learn from a full spectrum of viewpoints.

Must read: How to Manage Your Schedule When Your Hair is on Fire

Also check out: For the latest HR news and trends, check out HR News also presented by SHRM.

Hiring and recruiting blogs

Hiring and recruiting for today’s workplace is no joke, especially with the trend toward remote teams. These HR blogs help you stay informed.

Logo of undercover recruiter with a magnifying glass symbol substituting for the letter 'c'.

Who writes it: A team of staff writers and HR experts, with the occasional guest article.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: Undercover Recruiter delivers content not just for recruiters, but also for hiring managers and job candidates. If you want a well-rounded discussion of all things hiring, this is a must read.

This HR blog also offers a good deal of content on employer branding, as well as a podcast with the same name. An important addition to the lineup, especially in a tight labor market.

Must read: 4 Ways Employers Can Better Support Their Working Parents

Also check out: The Employer Branding Podcast

Logo of "the tim sackett project" with descriptors: hr pro, dad, backup paint guard on my over 40 mens team.

Who writes it: Tim Sackett, a 20-year HR pro with an impressive resume in recruiting and talent acquisition.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: This HR blog is funny and engaging, backed up by a wealth of knowledge about recruiting. Tim earned his stripes from years in the trenches and later as a recruiting consultant and sought-after speaker. Well worth the read.

Must read: Playing the Long Game in Talent Acquisition

10. Fistful of Talent

Who writes it: A team of over a dozen regular contributors, all thought leaders in the HR space.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: For starters, Fistful of Talent has a healthy dose of cool that a lot of other blogs in the HR space haven’t quite mastered yet. Not a reason in and of itself for reading a human resources blog, but Fistful of Talent also delivers on content. Educated opinions on timely topics are the norm on this site.

Must listen: HR Famous podcast, brought to you by a lively trio of Fistful of Talent contributors.

Employee engagement and company culture blogs

These HR blogs delve into all things employee satisfaction, recognition and engagement, and workplace happiness.

Blue and white logo of the word "fond" with a circular droplet motif forming the letter "o".

Who writes it: The experts behind Fond, a rewards and recognition platform for the workplace.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: The Fond blog is chock full of ideas for engaging employees through recognition, perks, and incentives. Definitely worth a read if improving company culture is top on your list this year.

Must read: How Peer Recognition Makes Work Meaningful

Also check out: Fond of Work, an interview series featuring HR leaders.

Aqua-colored snacknation logo with a stylized heart design substituting for the letter 's'.

Who writes it: SnackNation is a healthy office snack delivery service, but don’t let that fool you. The workplace culture and wellness experts behind this blog know their stuff.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: Besides the fact that we think a snack delivery company starting an HR centered blog is a brilliant brand awareness tactic, this blog is also serious business. With its light touch and focus on all things employee happiness, SnackNation has grown into one of the most respected blogs for HR pros looking to infuse a “happier, healthier, more engaged culture into their workplaces.”

Must read: The Definitive Guide to Hybrid Work in 2021

Also check out: SnackNation resource library. Packed full of e-books and actionable checklists.

Logo of tinypulse, featuring stylized lotus flower and company name in orange and gray.

Who writes it: The workplace culture pros at TINYpulse, an employee engagement and feedback platform.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: The folks at TINYpulse are all about gathering real-time data in the form of micro-surveys that measure employee engagement and satisfaction. So it stands to reason that their blog is data-driven as well.

With articles on topics ranging from onboarding, to remote employee recognition, to people management, this HR blog does a deep dive into workplace culture with the numbers to back it up.

Must read: 5 Ways to Integrate Coaching into Your Managing Style

Also check out: The TINYpulse webinar series.

The best blogs for human resources leadership

These blogs are ready made for human resources leaders or anyone who aspires to be one someday.

Who writes it: Contributing thought leaders in the HR sector.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: This thought-leadership style blog covers HR news, strategy, and high-level guidance through feature articles and case studies. Worth a read for leaders looking to stay abreast of the biggest topics in the field.

Must read: If you Had to Pay Everyone for Their Time, Would You Hold That Meeting?

Also check out: The HR Director blog also features book reviews on titles relevant to senior HR pros.

Logo of hrzone, with "hr" in pink and "zone" in gray.

Who writes it: HRZone was created by Sift, a leading B2B business publisher. It includes articles written by HR leaders, consultants, and industry commentators.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: This HR blog covers the gamut of topics, so there is something of interest for everyone. But a standout feature is the site’s strong focus on leadership topics, making it an excellent read for current and aspiring HR leaders.

Leadership topics covered include supporting a workforce through business transformation, best practices for developing a robust people strategy, and key trends for the future of work.

Must read: Changing perceptions of HR: how COVID-19 highlighted people in power

Also check out: HRZone’s All Hands on Tech podcast

Employment law blogs

Compliance and employment law is a minefield. Stay up-to-date on the most important information with these employment law blogs — a must read for HR professionals.

Logo design for "the employer handbook.

Who writes it: Eric B. Meyer of Fisher Broyles, a law firm ranked as one of the 200 largest in America.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: When it comes to employment law, Eric B. Meyer knows his stuff. A self-described “nerdy employment lawyer brain” with over 20 years in practice, he is an EEOC-approved trainer and an experienced litigator.

Eric’s near-daily blog posts cover everything from breaking news on employment law and recent court rulings, to ongoing legal issues relating to the workplace.

Must read: It’s time to reassess dress codes…before the ACLU darkens your door too

Silhouettes of professional individuals against a blue background with text about a labor and employment law blog.

Who writes it: The employment law experts at Sheppard Mullin, a full-service Global 100 corporate law firm.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: With over 950 attorneys in 15 locations in North America, Europe, and Asia, the firm behind this blog is seasoned and up-to-date on all things employment law.

Written with employer concerns top of mind, the blog offers breaking news, insights, and legal analysis on all things labor and employment law.

Must read: The Critical Nature of Labor and Employment Diligence in Transactions

Talent management and performance blogs

This set of human resources blogs takes a deep dive into all things performance, talent management, and workforce development.

Two overlapping speech bubbles in shades of purple.

Who writes it: The talent management experts at Clear Review, a continuous performance management software platform.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: Written in a no-nonsense style, this HR blog has a treasure trove of in-depth articles on everything from performance reviews, to developmental conversations, to remote working.

For further reading, the site has a good number of case studies about companies who restructured their employee appraisal systems. It also publishes a yearly report on the current state of performance management.

Must read: Remove Unconscious Bias in Performance Reviews: Let Data do the Talking

Also check out: Clear Review’s comprehensive library of performance management guides.

Who writes it: TLNT is one f three human resources blogs published by ERE media.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: ERE media was originally conceived as an online gathering place for recruiters. It has since transformed into an info hub for all things HR. TLNT is ERE’s blog specifically dedicated to talent management, and it is a must-read.

This HR blog covers everything from leadership development, to employee relations, to creating a workplace that fosters high performers.

Must read: Inclusion is Not Someone Else’s Responsibility

Also check out: The TLNT research library features high-level analysis and insights.

The best human resources blogs written from the trenches

These seasoned pros are knee-deep in the nitty-gritty of the human resources world. Their blogs lend a valuable perspective.

A martini glass with a single olive on a dark background.

Who writes it: Sharlyn Lauby, a human resources pro turned consultant, speaker, and author.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: With Sharlyn’s casual, friendly tone, reading this blog really is like chatting with your neighborhood bartender — if that bartender was also a super knowledgeable human resources pro.

Named by the Society for Human Resource Management as one of the Top 5 blogs read by human resources professionals, HR Bartender focuses on all things workplace — from business and customers, to career development, to recruiting and retention, and everything in between.

Must read: Interview Skills Training: Now is a Good Time to Give Managers a Refresher

Also check out: The HR Bartender podcast

Who writes it: Human resources pro and self-proclaimed “evil HR lady” Suzanne Lucas.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: Suzanne is refreshingly straight talking. She says what many other HR pros are probably thinking. Case in point, this gem: “As a human resources professional, “I’m here to tell you why you worked your tail off all year and still got a 1.7 percent bonus.”

But don’t let her decidedly off-beat humor fool you. She knows her stuff, and she is definitely worth the read for that fact alone.

Must read: How to Avoid ‘the Great Resignation’ at Your Company

Also check out: The Evil Hr Lady Podcast

22. The HR Capitalist

Logo of "[the hr capitalist]" with the tagline "the best talent wins" against a green background.

Who writes it: Kris Dunn, a c-suite level human resources pro with an impressive career at Fortune 500s and venture-capital held startups.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: According to his bio, Kris Dunn values simplicity and transparency. As in: “I believe that all forms of HR administration should be squeezed down to the smallest amount of time possible, giving you more time to do stuff that matters.” His blog takes a similar approach.

And if that wasn’t enough to convince you, consider that Kris is one of the all-stars of the HR thought leadership world. His perspective, particularly when it comes to recruiting, is everywhere — as a guest on countless blogs and podcasts.

Who writes it: Writer, speaker, podcaster and former HR professional Laurie Ruettiman.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: After a long corporate career at big-name companies, Laurie left human resources on a mission to, in her words, “fix work.” As an HR thought leader, she aims to “help executives and HR leaders prioritize the employee experience to avoid the collateral damage of a toxic work environment.”

While this perspective might not resonate with everyone, we bet big bucks it will resonate with many people. If you are one of them, Laurie’s work is a must-read.

Must read: What Can HR Do About Racism?

Also check out: Laurie’s podcast, Punk Rock HR


Blue logo with the word "ongig" in capital letters.

Who writes it: The job description pros at Ongig. A software platform that eliminates boring and biased job descriptions.

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: Ongig’s blog covers Talent Acquisition, Recruiting, and D&I. They have a ton of examples, tips, and tools articles for many different aspects of HR. Their specialty lies within helping employers to optimize their job descriptions by making them more attractive, removing bias (5+ different types) from text, and much more.

Must read: 4 New Tools to Help You Write More Diverse Job Descriptions

Also check out: Ongig’s comprehensive collection of Top Job Titles articles.

Logo of factohr, an hr solution service.

Who writes it: A professional and enthusiastic team of writers at factoHR, an all-in-one HR and Payroll solution that offers everything to you for “empowering the workforce.”

Why every HR pro should bookmark this blog: A glance at the blogs offered by factoHR will reflect its HR expertise and “employee-centric” objective that together showcases the value and necessity of perfect workforce management in all the organization. All the articles are written well, providing a wealth of information about all the core HR functionalities and their effect on the employees.

Must read: A Brief About Comprehensive Platform To Manage Workforce

Also check out: factoHR’s case study to know it addresses customers’ requirements

Up next for your HR toolkit: video comms

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