Biteable vs.

Sit in the driver's seat with Biteable

Can’t decide between Biteable and InVideo? Choose Biteable for better content and control.

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of animations you won’t find anywhere else
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of designer-made video templates
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happy customers with stunning videos
0 M+

Biteable vs. InVideo

Feature Biteable InVideo
1000s of video templates
Highly curated video template library
1000s of highly customizable elements and animations
Custom animations
Stock photos
Stock videos
Royalty-free music
Collaborate with others using shared editing
Set transitions between scenes
Animate an element in a scene
Animate background elements
Add media clips then crop or trim them
Generate text-to-speech with AI voices
Create a video from scratch using AI
Automatically create captions/subtitles for all videos
Add a voice-over
Record your screen for more than 5 minutes to use in a video
Screen recordings immediately available to use in projects
Screen recordings saved to your account automatically
Get recordings from others
A dedicated web page for your video
Download or store your videos
Video analytics (views, location, etc.)
Add CTA link to your video
Enable time-stamped comments on videos

Create consistency with Biteable

Graphic showcasing elements of a product launch including brand colors, text styles, and logos created using Canva, with labels and a video conference on the right.

It’s super simple to create consistent content with Biteable. Choose from hundreds of pre-made scenes, templates, and styles that are made to work together. Create and cement your brand’s video vibe with compatible scenes and familiar characters.

Start with a template or build your video from scratch using our pre-made scenes and animations. Mix and match your favorite scenes, and instantly brand every video with our auto-branding feature.

Comparatively, InVideo offers a broad range of templates, each with a unique style. While this can be great for inspiration, it’s difficult to keep up consistency across multiple videos. If you don’t want to start with a template, you’ll need to upload media or pick some stock images. With less curated control, you may struggle to create ideal videos for your brand.

For complete control and consistency, choose Biteable.

Hello, high-quality animations

Swap subpar stickers for professionally animated characters, icons, words, and graphics. Biteable’s huge content library features animations for every message, mood, and brand. Let the animations speak for themselves, or use them alongside text to boost your message.

Every Biteable animation is created by our in-house animators, giving you access to professional animators without the hefty price tag.

Many of InVideo’s animations are attached to a specific template, and cannot be mixed and matched across videos. Alternatively, you can choose from a library of lightly animated “sticker” elements — fun, cartoonish graphics that might feel out of place in a more professional setting.

For high-quality, professional animations, choose Biteable.

Measure your success with analytics

A simplified view of the editing timeline of the Biteable video maker.

Every Biteable video comes with its own unique watch page link for easy sharing. Add a clickable CTA, collect comments, and switch on closed captions. Simply send the link to your audience for quick, seamless communication.

Know what works and what doesn’t with trackable analytics for every video. See your video’s viewer count, viewer locations, and watch times. Or, easily download your video to upload elsewhere.

InVideo only offers a download option for your video — you won’t be able to host your video on their platform, or track viewer analytics without uploading to another video hosting website.

For easy sharing and trackable analytics, choose Biteable.

Experience a video-maker built by video pros. It’s easy, affordable, and fast.

“Biteable is inexpensive, easy to use, and gives me a professional-looking outcome. The videos that we’ve made really look like something that we’ve outsourced to an animator.”

Frequently asked questions